The Gallup poll found a new low of 26 percent of Americans who favor banning handguns in the U.S. other than law enforcement and other authorized users. This is compared to 60 percent back in 1959. What was surprising was the change in attitude to banning assault rifles, 53 percent to 43 percent. To me this is sheer lunacy; who the hell needs an AK-47 other than the cops and the military? The finding is a near reversal from 1996.
But the question that is never asked in these polls is: “Do you favor banning concealed weapons for anyone but law enforcement and authorized users?” And I don’t mean any Dick and Jane off the street who just wants to carry a gun to prove their manhood or womanhood. This includes those exhibitionists who walk around with one in a holster. I don’t want these malcontents, many of which have no training at all, acting as vigilantes.
These are my two problems with the gun issue. Concealed carry and assault weapons in the wrong hands. People should be able to keep a gun in their home for protection, a right backed by the 2nd Amendment. But no where in the 2nd Amendment does it say you can carry a handgun around on your person mimicking law enforcement, nor is it even implied. As far as walking around with an AK-47, common sense tells any thinking person this is not something meant for the average citizen.