Maryland's firearm ownership laws laws are among the most oppressive in the United States, after California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. In fact, a Maryland residend must provide a "good and substantial reason" to own a sidearm. For that reason, a lawsuit was filed by Raymond Woollard, who represented Dick Heller in District of Columbia v. Heller and was the lead counsel in MacDonald v. Chicago, two earlier cases on the subject of firearm ownership.
According to Judge Benson Legg, although states have the ability to enact some restriction on firearm ownership, "A citizen may not be required to offer a 'good and substantial reason' why he should be permitted to exercise his rights, the right's existence is all the reason he needs."
The ongoing series of legislative and judicial victories for the Second Amendment, along with the public's increasingly positive perception of firearms and shooting sports and increasing rate of firearm ownership, will ensure the defeat of the Liberals-In-Name-Only such as Dianne Feinstein and Carolyn McCarthy (who is as reprehensible as the other Senator McCarthy) who seek to disarm the American people, along with the Republicans who mastermind the civilian disarmament movement, such as Sarah Brady, Ronald Reagan, and Michael Bloomberg (originally a Republican before changing party whenever convenient).