We have watched the Democrats in Congress fight for the demand of the American people—89% of the people who want common sense gun reform. The Democrats met up incredible obstruction by the NRA-owned Republicans who refuse to hear the outrage and outcries of the people. It’s hard to believe in this day we have such lawmakers who completely ignore their constituents and the will of the people (and at times, the Constitution). Democrats will continue their fight and while they do, we the people, who have an even bigger impact on this issue, can follow some simple steps to create positive change. The website “30 gun control actions you can take now” put out a list of actions we can all take now. Here is a condensed version with 21 suggestions.
1 - DONATE TO A GUN REFORM (GVP) GROUP: There are several good groups that work hard for gun sense and who could use your help. They include: Everytown, The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, States United To Prevent Gun Violence (SUPGV)—an umbrella organization for many state specific organizations doing amazing work, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Americans for Responsible Solutions—Gabby Giffords’ Organization. You can also sign up for Amazon Smile that gives a portion of every purchase you make to an organization you support.
2 - CALL YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: Find out who represents you in Congress by clicking here. Let them know you are a constituent who votes for candidates that advocate for commonsense gun reform.
3 - WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR LOCAL PAPER: Find your local paper, learn how to send a "letter to the editor," and then send it. Here is a good article on how to write a great LTE.
4 - FACEBOOK YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: Find your representative on Facebook and send them the same message as when you called them (above).
5 - TWEET YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: Search your representative’s name on Twitter and send the same message.
The NRA has a ton of money and they have spent decades spending that money setting the terms of the discussion and the debate in America. It is not hard, however, to learn the facts about gun violence and gun ownership in America and what you can do to stop it.
Here are some helpful resources:
7 - JOIN A LOCAL GUN REFORM GROUP: Many of the larger national groups have local chapter and meetings. To find your local chapter for The Brady Campaign, click here. For Moms Demand Action, click here. For States United to Prevent Gun Violence in America, click here.
8 - JOIN A LOCAL GUN REFORM EVENT: You can become part of events, rallies, and/or protest events. Don't want to join a group or donate? Want to get your feet wet and meet people involved? Click here to see some events.
9 - ASK: Find out if the homes where your kids play have guns. If there is, is it locked away from the kids and is the ammo is kept in a separate place? More on this important and life-saving program at the ASK website.
10 - DONATE TO POLITICIANS, WHO ADVOCATE FOR COMMONSENSE GUN REFORMS: The site reminds us that politicians care about votes and money. You can donate at federal, state and local levels and if/when you do, make they support gun sense and if they do, let them know why you are giving them money. Any amount can have an impact.
11 A - CONTACT YOUR STATE AND LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES: Above you contacted federal representatives to let them know you expect gun reforms. You can also contact lawmakers on a state and local level. Find them on this website. Call them, email them, Facebook them and Tweet them.
11 B - LEARN ABOUT FEDERAL GUN LAWS: NRA advocates know every law to counter new legislation. Counter their arguments with the knowledge you have. Learn here: The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and here: Gun Laws in the United States
12 - LEARN ABOUT STATE GUN LAWS: Each state has different laws to learn more use The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence state database as well.
13 - IF YOU HAVE GUNS IN THE HOME, LEARN ABOUT PREVENTING CHILD ACCESS TO GUNS IN THE HOME: The site states more than two million American children live in homes with unsecured guns? Children are dying every day. Learn more from Moms Demand Action here.
14 - BE SMART: S Secure guns in homes and vehicles. M Model responsible behavior. A Ask about unsecured guns in other homes. R Recognize the risks of teen suicide. T Tell your peers to be SMART.
15 - ASK YOUR LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS ABOUT THEIR GUN POLICIES AND DEMAND THAT THEY PUBLISH THEM: It is important for your local community organizations to have a gun policy. For instance, do they allow guns? Ask your local businesses (stores, restaurants, gas stations…), faith institutions, schools, libraries, public spaces (parks, commons areas...)
16 - JOIN A CAMPAIGN TO GET COMPANIES TO BAN GUNS IN THEIR STORES: Moms Demand Action is working on getting Kroger to stop allowing guns in their stores. There are other campaigns you can check here.
17 - JOIN A LOCAL VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE: League of Women Voters, Rock the Vote, and the U.S. Government website will help voters learn how to vote for commonsense gun reform.
18 - REGISTER TO VOTE AND THEN VOTE, REALLY VOTE!: If pro-gun organizations like the NRA vote (the have five million members) we need more people to vote, but first make sure you are registered before the deadliness, and the vote. You can find out more at the U.S. government website on voting.
19 - HOLD A PUBLIC VIGIL FOR GUN VIOLENCE VICTIMS: Let your grief be heard and seen. Organize, volunteer and/or attend public vigils for victims of gun violence.
Everytown has a great learning center here.
For example:
Did you know that 88 people die every day from guns in America?
Did you know that 33,000 people die every year because of guns?
Did know that 2/3 of those 33,000 are people who kill themselves? And that suicide via a gun is almost 100% effective?
Did you know that the NRA stopped all federal research into gun violence at the CDC?
21 - BLOCK THE GUN "TROLLS" ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Don’t waste time trying to “reason with gun nuts.” Block, report, ban. Don't spend a second with them. Bye Felicia.
There 10 more suggestions of what you can do. For more detailed information of the steps below, visit: 30 gun control actions you can take now. These are things we can do.