"Information No results found for "handgun deaths in 2008". -google
hegrgiergerg - regerhk - @ myblog.es
free clip art fluid ounce · seek and find objects games · robyn foxx · antivirus xp 2008 serials keys · handgun deaths in 2007 --solitary g"Suicides accounted for 55% of the nation's nearly 31,000 firearm deaths in 2005, the most recent year for which statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."--USA Today
It was a hard stat to find-- and it was for 2005. Something is killing our people at the rate of 31,000 a year and the CDC is tracking it four years late. If it was a new disease killing that many people, it'd be all over the headlines and in 6 of the slots on the Rec list.